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How To Get Your Crush To Ask You Out

So there’s this guy that you’ve been social media stalking -- I mean, that you have a crush on. Does he like you too? Does he even know you exist? Maybe. Maybe not. If you like this guy as much as you say you do, then do something about it. Quit stalking his Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts. Exit out of the wedding tab on Pinterest. I’m going to clue you in on a few ways to get that boy to ask you out.

1. Text him all day.

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Double text, triple text, whatever you want. He will love that you’re constantly thinking about him. If he hasn’t replied to the first few he’s probably just busy. Or he doesn’t have your number and is wondering why this crazy girl is texting him "hey" 13 times a day.

2. Add him on Snapchat.

After a few hours he will more than likely add you back because he’s a nice guy. You should immediately Snapchat him a picture of your location with the caption “bored." He won’t respond, but at least he will know that you aren’t busy and could always respond to one of your many texts to hang out. (He won’t.) But you can always dream. Also don’t forget to snap him your every move to keep him updated on your day-to-day life. He will love that.

3. Be everywhere he is.

If he is in a fraternity make sure you go to all of their parties, intramural games, philanthropy events and maybe even show up at the frat house randomly during the week. He will love that you enjoy being around his bros. If you overhear him talking about a game or a concert he is going to, buy a ticket and go, too! Every guy loves a girl who likes sports. And you love concerts so, why not?

4. Wear eye-catching outfits.

You want to be noticed. Bright colors or bold prints are always a good route to go when looking to be noticed. The bolder the better. Bright colors are usually a sign of confidence, so once his eyes heal from the retina burn by the sun reflecting on your neon top he will notice your confidence.

5. Make eye-contact.

Stare right into his baby blues and make sure to smile. Blinking every once in a while will help to keep your eyes from drying out, but it isn’t really necessary. The second your eyes leave his, he thinks you’ve lost interest. So maybe you should learn to tolerate dry eyes.

6. Compliment him.

Tell him he smells nice. Tell him he has beautiful eyes. Ask him if he’s been working out (and find out where). Take a drive by his house and tell him his mom has a great taste in curtains. It will drive him nuts how kind you are. He will be so happy you complimented his mom.

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