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the multi billion naira bayelsa ultra modern iconic state governor office

It  appears the architects of the new Governor’s Office in the Government House, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State had the sobriquet of the state, “the Glory of All Land”, in mind at its conception stage.
In beauty, splendour, glamour and style, there is nothing epitomising Bayelsa’s sobriquet more than the newly-built office. Like or hate it, flashes of its glory and dazzling elegance cannot be ignored. The building is arguably the most sophisticated governor’s office in the country.
In fact, with the attractive finishing, enduring fittings and a paradise-like ambience of the office, any first term governor will fight to return for a second term or may even be tempted to play the Olusegun Obasanjo by demanding a third term. Even persons aspiring to govern the state may do everything within and outside their powers to win a governorship election just to have a taste of the office.
Niger Delta Report recently toured some sections of the building which stands like a pretty bride. The masterpiece with aesthetic beauty is divided into three interwoven sections comprising the Governor’s Office, Deputy Governor’s Office and the Administrative Block.

The three-storey governor’s office with a pent house is designed with all the comfort for the chief executive and his visitors. The governor has three massive conference halls built to accommodate over 300 guests each.
Within the section is the main conference hall with a reflective oval-shaped covering. It has a capacity to take 400 people. The main conference hall is built for executive council meetings while other engagements of the governor involving interactions with his guests are held in one of the three conference halls.
The governor’s personal aides have tastily furnished offices close to him. In fact, the deputy governor’s section has similar outlook, design and provisions with little modifications to that of the governor.
The two offices are linked to a lineal administrative block housing important offices and departments such as the media, protocol and account, finance, information technology and the chief of staff’s office.
One of the busiest departments is the media which is located on the second floor of the administrative block. The social media team and the team of the Chief Press Secretary occupy the floor.
On each floor of the block is a uniquely-designed conference hall to cater for the needs of each department. With such provision, each of the administrative departments holds meetings, trainings and emergency gatherings at will. Also on the last floor of the block is a restraunt built with a capacity for 500 people.

Without mincing words, a major feature of the building is security. There is nothing hidden within the building because at various corners are Close Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring activities and movements of persons.
The CCTV has the capacity to pick every object even in darkness. The building has a major entrance and exit coordinated by a computerised screening device to dictate weapons and other dangerous objects. Other protective features which are not disclosed for security reasons make the building exceptional.
Indeed, every good thing that makes life comfortable is featured in the building. The edifice runs on uninterrupted electricity flowing from a giant generator which has surplus supply of diesel. The walls of the building are soundproof and there is a water-treatment plant to supply potable water to all the offices.
There is no gainsaying that the new governor’s office is a tourist haven. It is located within the environment of other tourist attractions in Government House. From the last floor, one can see the Castle Hotel, the yet-to-be completed golf course and polo club. At the facade are five differently built water fountains to enhance the overall beauty of the environment. It has a massive car park for over 200 vehicles.
Undoubtedly, the new office has changed the dress code of people who work in the Government House. It has compelled them to wear complete outfits to work. All the workers now beam with smiles especially as all their offices and corridors are fitted with multiple air-conditioners.
The multi-billion naira edifice was dedicated late last year by the Founder and General Superintendent of the Deeper Life Bible Church, Pastor W. F. Kumuyi, who encouraged public office holders to dedicate their lives to God in the course of their service in office.
Kumuyi, who was accompanied by his wife, stressed that beyond dedicating man-made house, builders occupants must also dedicate themselves to God. He commended Dickson for making God the center of his government.
On why he undertook the project, Dickson said the state deserved a befitting governor’s office after 20 years of creation. He thanked members of his cabinet and people of the state for supporting him to build the structure.
The deputy Governor, Rear Admiral John Jonah (retd) has been enjoying his new office. During one of his official engagements at his new conference hall, he recalled how he sweated in his small old office to welcome guests and discharge his functions.
“Now I want the visitors to come and see my new office”, he said thanking the governor for the vision to build the structure.
Some people have, however, criticized the structure saying it should not be the priority of the state. But the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Mr. Daniel Iworiso-Markson, insisted that the new office was a welcome development.
He said: “Since the creation of the state over 20 years ago, this is the first time we are having an office space purposely built and befitting enough to be called a Governor’s office.
“Before now, the structure housing the Governor’s office was nothing but a makeshift building hurriedly put together to serve that purpose.
“It wasn’t a fit and proper place to administer governance especially in the light of the new order, a paradigm shift, capable of rubbing off brightly on our socio-economic progress as a people.
“For those armchair critics who never sees anything good in our government and may want to run their mouth or argue whether building a befitting office like this should be a priority, they should know that having a befitting workspace is not a luxury, it is an absolute necessity. Governance is a serious business.
“Some of the policies we now see as solid achievements are products of serious thinking. They were informed by strategic thinking resulting concrete actions in the building of solid infrastructure, making Bayelsa one massive construction site as it were, leading to the greaterinterconnectedneswe now have in the state, which is good for economic development”.
In fact, some former governor’s under the platform of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) recently praised the vision behind the vision when they toured projects executed by Dickson in the state. They were led to some of the projects by the governor and the Commissioner for Information, Mr. Jonathan Obuebite.
Obuebite, after the tour said: “The visitors were also surprised at the number of projects executed the by the governor. You have all seen what the Restoration Government is doing. We are taking Baylsa to the next level. In other states , previous governments  put in place the  project, but In Bayelsa state,  the present government  is the one building the projects, and without this we cannot be referred to as a state . We must tell ourselves the truth.
“With what they saw and  what they said, especially the new Governor’s office , you heard them said , as former governors they never had the previllage of building a Governor’s office complex they had seen here in Yenagoa.
“These are former governors; they are not just visitors. They even spent eight years in office , all of them, and they appreciated what Governor  Dickson is dong, and also accepting the fact that these were things they could not do while in office as governor”.

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