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Friday The 13th History Is Spooky, Here Are 6 Things You Probably Never Knew

Did you have a feeling when you woke up today that things were just going to be a little... odd? Did you trip out of bed? Spill your favorite setting powder? Newsflash: Guess what day it is, people! That's right – today's actually Friday the 13th, and it's October, which makes it an extra spooky day, IMO. Friday the 13th is pop culture obsession when it comes to spooky-culture; even as children, we knew those days were dark AF. Friday the 13th is in TV shows, it's in books, there are even movies about it... but who really knows what the whole thing is about? Not many people, which I why I decided to do some digging to find out just what the history of Friday the 13th really is.
Let's review our superstitions about Friday the 13th real quick, shall we? There's the black cat crossing your path... bad luck. There's the opening your umbrella inside (don't even think about it, honey), and you can't forget about accidentally breaking mirror and receiving seven years of bad luck. So, duh, those are what we know, and those are the things we swear are fake — although you bet I've never opened an umbrella inside... just in case. Let's hit the truth, and hit it hard: You never knew these six true facts about the history of Friday the 13th.

1The Number 13 Is Considered Pretty Unlucky

According to History, humankind's suspicion of the number 13 goes back to what is known as the Code of Hammurabi. Apparently, the ancient code left out the number 13, so people assumed it was for a reason. In reality, it probably the then-equivalent of a typo.

212 Really Overshadowed 13

All of you science-y brained people probably know this, but the number 12 has been long-admired in the math and science fields as being somewhat a flawless number. Apparently it's like, the Beyoncé of numbers. Ancient people used systems of 12, and even our yearly calendar has just 12 months. In comparison, 13 just seems odd.

3It Might Have Some Religious Roots

Nat Geo found out that a Connecticut psychology professor has a theory that this superstition may be because Judas, who betrayed Jesus, was number 13 of the disciples. They also theorize Jesus was crucified on a Friday. Consider me SHOOK.

4A Book Could Also Be The Cause Of Friday the 13th Fears

Refinery 29 reports that a book published way back in 1907, titled "Friday the 13th" may have spooked people for good. The book supposedly follows the story of Wall Street man who plans to shut off the whole system. Spooky?

5People Really, Really Hold On To Their Beliefs

Let me work my personal university knowledge here a little; it's a theory in social psychology, and it applies even here. Selective exposure is the idea that we tend to look for information and thing that support our beliefs, even without knowing it. Basically, if you kind of believe in Friday the 13th, and a ladder falls on you, you'll be more likely to believe that.

6It's Kind of A Western-World Thing

History also says that this fear of the number 13 tends to be something more hyped in wild wild West — aka, North America. In other countries, it's really not a big deal. So basically, for the love of everything that is lucky, calm down, America!

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